Code 3 Counseling is now the

Monterey Regional Center


Restoration FirstResponder Centers

As a first responder or family member, you know it is important to be connected with a counselor who gets you, who is culturally competent in being able to help you through your battles. But when you looked on Google at local therapists, there wasn't a single one who had been trained or had experience in treating first responders. How could you trust if they could handle the calls you need to talk about? But you need help.
Maybe with the shiftwork schedule, you are finding it almost impossible to find time to attend counseling sessions with someone who is not in your town. It takes an extra hour or more to go out of your way to get the help you need. How can you manage that and still get in your exercise and sleep you know you need to meet the demands of your life?
It is frustrating. You know you need some support, but how can you get the right help without being overly stressed? Or at least receive services from someone who gets what it is like to be a first responder family? How can you get the counseling you need?

Online counseling can bridge the gap.

Photo of a woman on a video chat with her computer, smiling because she is feeling better after completing an online counseling session.

Online counseling, also known as Telehealth, is the provision of therapeutic services via video chat or phone call. Online counseling allows for more access to mental health services for those who would otherwise struggle with attending in-office appointments. It can address most counseling issues and can also be combined with in-office counseling. 
Online counseling does require access to a device with a camera and microphone as well as a strong internet connection. A laptop with a web cam or a cell phone both work well. And if you are able to stream Netflix (or similar services) without issues, your internet will be able to handle video sessions. Headphones can also help reduce audio interference and create a more connected experience.

Are you ready to start making changes?

We offer free 20-minute consultations with our incredible team who can help you understand if online counseling would benefit you. 

Providing services to people throughout the State of California.

If you reside anywhere in the state of California, you can receive online counseling through our services. This is a great option for people who live in remote areas, struggle with transportation or childcare, or who have challenging schedules (such as shift work). The programs utilized for online counseling are HIPAA compliant and encrypted in order to maintain your confidentiality and privacy.
Online counseling is not appropriate for everyone.
Those who are in crisis, contemplating suicide, and struggling with extremely upsetting circumstances would not be best supported by online therapy and should seek an in-office clinician.
If you are currently struggling with thoughts of harming yourself or others, dial 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.
Online counseling sessions are between 45-90 minutes per session, depending on the type of treatment. Sessions occur on average once every week or two weeks. Based on your goals and treatment needs, therapy and counseling can be as brief as 8-10 sessions or can be longer-term over a year or two. To know the fees and costs for sessions, look here.

Photo of a guy on a video call using his phone for online counseling services.

What is stopping you from starting online counseling?

We offer free 20-minute consultations with a licensed therapist who can help you understand if online counseling would benefit you. 

It may seem awkward or uncomfortable, but online counseling can help.

You may find yourself having some anxiety around doing online counseling. You understand the power of presence in the room, being present with the people you help. So how can you trust that online counseling will be able to help you?
During the pandemic, Zoom calls were the worst. They felt so detached. How can your counselor be personable through a video chat?
If you are experiencing these concerns, let us know! We can talk with you about what to expect, how it works, and help you feel more comfortable with using Telehealth services.
Our clients have found healing through online counseling. We can help you find peace and freedom, also.
We understand it can feel a little weird. We are here to help you feel at ease with our services. Our counselors are experienced in providing services online (especially since COVID-19). Your services with Code 3 Counseling are still personable, professional, competent, and helpful, no matter what medium you decide to you.

Photo of a man doing an online counseling session through his computer.

Still not sure about it?

We offer a free 20-minute consultation for those interested in services. It will give you a chance to describe your particular issue, ask any questions about our experience, and help you feel more comfortable with us.

You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.

Brian Tracy


Serving folks in person in the Monterey Bay Area and online throughout the State of California.

You don't have to figure this out on your own. We are ready to meet you. To start your journey towards freedom, follow these easy steps:

    Contact Code 3 Counseling by email, give us a call, or schedule a free consultation now!
    Get connected with our team of competent and qualified counselors.
    Start winning the battle and defeating the obstacles that are keeping you from a free and peaceful life!